Perth, Australia’s Kirsten Bosly shot to fame overnight with her strong remarks against fat shaming.
Kirsten felt uneasy, ashamed, and embarrassed about her appearance in a bikini on a recent family beach day.
Being plus-sized, Kirsten has always been quite anxious about exposing too much skin and has repeatedly objected to being shot without wearing a lot of clothing.
However, Kirsten came to a realization that would alter her life while she was standing on the beach with her husband and kids.
Kirsten posted her opinions on the 1MotherBlogger Facebook page:
“For me, today is a new beginning.
I’ve detested my body for the majority of my life.
hated it.
I loaded it.
resented it.
I really wanted it to alter; I wanted it to be thinner, smaller, and less “fat.”
I’ve misused and exploited it.
I’ve attributed a lot of things to it.
Its wobbles and dimples have made me feel extremely embarrassed, as if they somehow define who I am.
It touched a chord with me when I recently came across a meme that said something like, “Be in pictures with your kids because when you’re gone, the pictures will be all they have left.”
I’ve mostly avoided photos since I didn’t like how I appeared in them.
“No more!
Ignore that noise!
In all honesty, I’m sick of feeling self-conscious about my physique, which has supported me for 41 years.
I therefore let go today.
I decided to enjoy my body for what it is—my body—and let go of my hatred and resentment toward it.
In order for the kids to remember us having a great day together, cellulite and all, I requested The Pants to take this picture.
Not a lie.
Avoid wearing board shorts.
No towel for “modesty.”
No filtering.
Only us.
Do you know what?
I don’t feel embarrassed.
All I can see when I look at this picture is how happy we are, which is fantastic.
It feels freaking amazing to finally feel free!
Visit this link to view Kirsten’s original, comprehensive post:
Excellent work, Kirsten!
Instead of worrying about her physique all the time and feeling self-conscious about it, Kirsten says she can now enjoy special times with her family.
In an email to the Today Show, Kirsten said, “I was standing on the beach, stressing out about it, and just had a moment of clarity when I realized the only person judging me in that moment was me.” “I had a bag full of hang-ups that I had made and decided to carry around, and the only thing preventing me from simply letting go and embracing myself fully was no one paying any attention to me.”
Kirsten now hopes that her uplifting message will encourage others to feel better about their bodies.
And I absolutely agree that we should make the most of every moment of our one and only existence!
If you agree with Kirsten that we should enjoy life and be more accepting of ourselves, please share your opinions.